Hayley Rose Hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing Courses in Northumberland, Newcastle & North Tyneside

Are you scared to give birth? Perhaps you are second time parents and had a traumatic experience with your first birth and want a more healing birth this time. Well, you’re in the right place! Find out more about me and what I offer. If you live outside of Northumberland, Newcastle or North Tyneside, don’t worry, I am available on Zoom too!

Hayley x

Begin your positive birth preparation.

Whether you are a first time mum terrified of giving birth or have had trauma in the past with pregnancy, birth or even loss, I am here to hold the safest space for you to begin your positive birth preparation. I understand on such a deep level and it is with this understanding and pure empathy that I have created the best Hypnobirthing courses for those feeling doubtful and uneasy.

My courses really do make the difference between an anxious pregnancy, to a calm and relaxed one. My Hypnobirthing expertise and ongoing support means that you are empowered and strong in your decision making around your birth - it is time to give the; “they wont allow me to…” the boot!

You are growing life, a person that will be by your side and part of your family forever. You deserve the best x

“I highly recommend investing into her Hypnobirthing if you are pregnant because your well-being matters to you and your baby just as much as a new cot or car seat etc and you definitely won't regret it.”

"I'm so proud of Hayley. I believe I was her first or one of her first clients for Hypnobirthing. I had no idea what to expect but I went ahead with it anyway and it has 100% hands down been the best decision I have made this pregnancy. Her ongoing support is unmatched. 

Hayley has a little one herself but makes sure she's available and has a fantastic work / life balance. If she hadn't told me this was a new thing she'd never done before I wouldn't have known because she is professional in every way and is confident in her knowledge. I have a complicated pregnancy that is far from straight forward and she's been able to support me and reassure me the whole way and continues to do so. 

Without Hypnobirthing, I'd be sat here now at 32 weeks pregnant with nothing but worry and doubt. Sometimes that worry and doubt creeps up from time to time, but if I message Hayley she sets me right back on track every time. She has helped me have a relaxing and positive pregnancy so far despite all my physical complications.

- Harmony

What even is Hypnobirthing?

It is not how it sounds, Hypnobirthing is NOT wacky! Hypnobirthing is an actual science. It is simply a full birth prep course. But what makes it different to a regular antenatal course is the mindset shift that happens as a result. The shift that you need if you are feeling fearful of birth, wondering how you will be able to do it and not knowing your options fully. Hypnobirthing has the power to change this into trusting your body again, to feeling really confident and sure of your choices and stacking the odds in your favour of a calm and peaceful birth. I do this by giving you and your birth partner a fun and interactive course, diving deep into your choices, the maternity system, where fear of birth stems from, the impact that fear has on the body and tapping into that subconcious mind through deep relaxation to turn fear into calm. As a result, you are a whopping 95% more likely to get the birth you desire and have better mental health going into postpartum and beyond.

What if I am having extra monitoring during my pregnancy, is Hypnobirthing still for me?

My Hypnobirthing courses are for you! I know that many Hypnobirthing courses can seem quite pushy on all natural, home births - and don’t get me wrong, those are beautiful and wonderful! And Hypnobirthing will allow you to have trust in your body again, even when you may think you can’t or “won’t be allowed it”. BUT, as a mum who has experienced the loss of a baby and can empathise, I understand fully how wanting extra monitoring and the reassurance of birthing in hospital is very important in those cases. So, my courses hold you and support you too! The magic is within knowing all of your options no matter what scenario you give birth in, it is all about being able to use relaxation tools for what ever birth you choose and giving your baby a calm and loving entrance into the world!

But won’t my care providers give me my options anyway?

They should, but often they give these options in very brief detail and unfortunately coercion and scaremongering a woman into making a choice to suit their hospital policies is all too real. And that isn’t good enough. We cannot give our consent if we don’t understand what we are fully consenting to, or if we have been pushed into a decision. Hypnobirthing holds your hand while you learn how to navigate this tricky maternity system and feel strong in your decision making.

I just want my baby here safely, I don’t care how that happens…

I hear you. But I can tell you from someone who has been in those shoes, that you do care eventually. Once you trudge out of the trenches and the sun is rising, you finally have that precious baby in arms and everything is okay once more. You begin to reflect, you realise that birth has a huge impact on your mental health postpartum. You start to see how other people had it, the options that they chose that they knew was available, but you didn’t. And let me tell you one more thing, the safest way for a baby to be born is the way you choose, because you have an innate instinct to tap into. You know your body and the life you’ve been growing more than any one else.

What I Offer

We will start with a free informal consultation so that I can gain insight into what you want to get from Hypnobirthing and if I need to be aware of anything so that I can tailor your course to suit your needs!

I offer a one to one bespoke Hypnobirthing package, which is a Hypnobirthing course like no other for you and your birth partner/partners. It is held either at your home if you live in Northumberland, Newcastle or North Tyneside or via zoom if you live further afield.

I have Group Hypnobirthing Courses and Pregnancy Relaxation Classes coming very soon to the Whitley Bay area. I am just awaiting a confirmation of a venue! Give me a shout if you would like to be put on the waiting list x

  • "I did Hypnobirthing when I had my son and it changed my life and the way I see myself. It sounds strange, but the empowerment lasts beyond birth and I'm not sure I would have started my own business without it! Hayley is so passionate about what she does and about knowing yourself - I feel a little stronger emotionally (in a resilient way, not a bury your feelings way) every time I talk to her".


  • “You are like a guardian angel for pregnant women, you were exactly what we needed when we went through twin loss”

    Michael (birth partner)

My Mission

I proudly provide courses that can be adapted to all kinds of pregnancies and birth, including those carrying twins facing difficulties or loss and those carrying rainbow babies.

We build community and will be welcomed with warmth, understanding and open arms. You will be made to feel at ease, safe and at home always!

My bespoke Hypnobirthing package is designed to replicate a spa-like treatment through the welcome box I provide which includes luxury googies, so that you can really indulge and sink into those relaxation tools! But, you will benefit greatly from deep exploration of yourself, understanding hidden depths and letting go of fear and people pleasing mentalities. You will go into birth so confident and on top of the world!

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